Case Studies
To share learnings from the approaches, challenges and achievements of our members with the wider industry, we develop case studies showcasing best-practice or innovative projects our members have undertaken.
The Big Energy Race: Powering Change Across London’s Workspaces
The Big Energy Race: Powering Change Across London’s Workspaces
The Big Energy Race is a Workspace portfolio wide energy reduction campaign. The campaign was first delivered in February 2024 and after a successful month of tenant engagement and energy reduction is was repeated in November 2024. In the latest campaign, Each site was given an energy saving target, dependent on its previous energy consumption. The sites were categorised in four clusters and the site in each cluster that surpassed its energy-saving target by most won trees planted in the UK.
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Transport for London Pilots the RE:FIT Programme in 22 Head Office Buildings
01 January 2013
TfL played a key role in the Greater London Authority’s successful pilot of the RE:FIT programme, implementing a range of energy saving measures across 22 of its Head Office buildings. These improvements will yield annual energy savings worth £500,000 and cut 2,400 tonnes of CO2 emissions.
Topic: Retrofit & Refurbishment
Type: Case Studies
Member: Transport for London