Please find below a statement on the BBP’s working practices and priorities during the COVID-19 pandemic.
- The BBP Executive will continue to work from home for the foreseeable future. The team are contactable on the usual email addresses.
- All BBP working groups, projects and external meetings are being moved on-line wherever it is possible to do so. Meetings and activities that had to be face-to-face have been postponed, with alternative arrangements being explored.
- We will be reviewing the impact of COVID-19 on our work programme and although there will be specific projects that will be effected, with your support, much of the work of the BBP work programme can continue as planned, albeit using different media to engage with our members and stakeholders.
The long-term impact of COVID-19 on the economy, businesses and the real estate industry is not yet known. During these uncertain times, the BBP will work harder than ever to sustain its valued community of members dedicated to fostering mutual understanding of how we make our buildings better. We plan to do this by:
- Encouraging members to share knowledge and approaches in response to COVID 19 that demonstrate business leadership and responsibility.
- Remaining focused on delivering the planned outputs designed to meet the needs of BBP & MAP members and helping them improve the sustainability of their portfolios.
- Using the disruption we are experiencing as an opportunity for reflection and a catalyst for ideas to enable our sector to build on and accelerate the positive momentum towards a net-zero carbon economy.
We have a very busy programme of work planned for the coming months. We remain focused on our purpose and are keeping our eyes firmly on the horizon, determined to ensure that the BBP emerges from this crisis stronger and prepared to continue the critical work to address sustainability challenges facing the real estate sector. As ever, we rely on the engagement and support of our members and stakeholders to do this.
Do keep any eye out on our website and social media for updates on our activities over the next few months
In the meantime, stay safe and healthy.
With very best wishes,
The BBP Executive Team