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Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield harnesses the power of technology to build better places
14 May 2024
With an annual 52 million visits, Westfield Stratford City, operated by Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield (URW), stands as one of the largest retail destinations in the UK. As a visionary developer and operator of sustainability-driven assets, URW strives to find innovative solutions that centre on environmentally responsible practices. With a complex heating and cooling network and ambitious energy reductions targets, URW promptly sought a digital-based solution to future proof the asset. The resulting Digital Twin has not only outperformed expectations in energy and cost reductions, but also established itself as a proactive solution to operational risk management.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: Case Studies
Member: Unibail-Rodamco-Westfield
First NABERS UK Energy for Offices Rating Achieved as the Scheme is extended to cover whole buildings and tenancies
05 July 2022
Toronto Square in Leeds, owned by Grosvenor, is the first office to be verified using the NABERS UK Energy for Offices Scheme, with the building achieving a 4.5 Star Rating. It was also announced today that the NABERS UK scheme is being extended to cover whole buildings and tenancies. These two additional ratings complement the NABERS UK Base Building Ratings launched in November 2020, completing the suite of NABERS ratings for offices in the UK.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: News
NABERS UK names Landsec’s Timber Square as the first certified Design for Performance Project
09 February 2022
Landsec’s Timber Square achieves a 5-star Design Reviewed Target Rating, making it the UK’s first Design for Performance project to complete its Independent Design Review.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: News
NABERS UK Independent Design Review Panel Launched
29 April 2021
The NABERS UK Independent Design Review Panel has been launched by BRE today. The Panel consists of 11 industry experts in both the energy efficient design and operation of office buildings. Each will play a leading role in upskilling the commercial real estate sector and reliably delivering energy efficient buildings.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: News
NABERS UK Steering Committee Expressions of Interest call now open
31 March 2021
BRE, BBP and NABERS are seeking Expressions of Interest (EOI) for relevant organisations to participate as Stakeholder Members of the NABERS UK Steering Committee.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: News
Industry Engagement with the Design for Performance scheme ramps up, with Bryden Wood, Elementa Consulting, Inkling and Thornton Reynolds joining as Delivery Partners
16 December 2020
The Better Buildings Partnership is delighted to announce the joining of four new Delivery Partners to the Design for Performance (DfP) Scheme.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: News
Closing the Performance Gap in One of the UK’s Most Sustainable Buildings
20 November 2020
When DWS, a leading European asset manager, forward purchased* one of the UK’s most sustainable buildings, the company took early action to ensure 2 Redman Place’s design credentials translated into outstanding performance in use. Together with developer Lendlease, managing agent Savills and the occupiers, DWS is working proactively to close the performance gap before it emerges – optimising efficiency, reducing carbon emissions and improving the customer experience.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: Case Studies
Design for Performance Initiative presents the launch of NABERS UK
26 October 2020
Join us for the official launch of NABERS UK - a new energy efficiency rating scheme for in-use performance that will enable commercial office developers and owners to deliver better buildings in operation.
Topic: Design for Performance
Type: Events