Our Resources

The Better Buildings Partnership regularly publishes blog pieces, news articles, toolkits and case studies that highlight the latest sustainability developments in the UK commercial real estate industry. The resources can be filtered hereunder by topic, type and member.

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  • A Quiet Revolution

    09 May 2016

    At the end of the business year, Sarah Ratcliffe, Programme Director of the BBP, presents our work programme for 2016/17 and explains why BBP members are at the forefront of a quiet revolution in the field of sustainability in the UK real estate market. Read more

    Topic: Market Transformation

    Type: Blogs

  • Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations Update

    01 December 2016

    The Heat Network (Metering and Billing) Regulations 2014 implement the requirements in the Energy Efficiency Directive (EED) with respect to the supply of distributed heat, cooling, hot water and cold water and came into force on 18 December 2014. The EED promotes energy efficiency in the EU to achieve the Commission’s 2020 20% headline target on energy efficiency. It lays down rules to overcome market failures that impede efficiency in the supply and use of energy.

    Topic: Measurement & Reporting

    Type: Publications

  • REEB Pushes the Power Button with EnergyDeck

    25 April 2016

    The BBP is delighted to announce the appointment of EnergyDeck as its new platform provider for the REEB. REEB is a publicly available, asset specific, operational benchmark of environmental performance derived from data from over 1,000 commercial properties, the biggest dataset of its kind in the UK.

    Topic: Measurement & Reporting

    Type: News

  • British Land Recognised with 2016 Queen’s Award for Enterprise

    21 April 2016

    The Award is given to companies which bring major economic, social and environmental benefits through their own business success and has been awarded to British Land for continuous achievement in all these areas over the last five years. The award for Sustainable Development recognises the company’s focus on creating Places People Prefer and the emphasis it places on driving improvement across all business activities and at every stage of its operations.

    Topic: Market Transformation

    Type: News

    Member: British Land