Our Resources

The Better Buildings Partnership regularly publishes blog pieces, news articles, toolkits and case studies that highlight the latest sustainability developments in the UK commercial real estate industry. The resources can be filtered hereunder by topic, type and member.

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  • Shaftesbury’s Sustainable Retrofit at 22 Ganton Street

    11 November 2015

    The project exemplifies the company’s proactive approach to asset management and commitment to the long-term sustainability of its buildings. By retaining 99% of the building’s structure and 80% of its façade, Shaftesbury significantly reduced the amount of new materials required and cut construction waste, minimising environmental impacts and generating cost savings.

    Topic: Retrofit & Refurbishment

    Type: Case Studies

    Member: Shaftesbury Capital

  • Recruit London

    12 October 2015

    The Crown Estate, in partnership with Westminster City Council and Cross River Partnership, hosts the Recruit London scheme. Since 2009, this innovative community employment and training initiative has been helping Westminster jobseekers into sustainable employment and supporting West End businesses with free recruitment services. Recruit London’s Workplace Coordinators work with employers and referral agencies to match local jobseekers to vacancies, supporting candidates throughout and helping them access training.

    Topic: Occupier Engagement

    Type: Case Studies

    Member: The Crown Estate

  • Hammerson and Costa Invest Collaboratively to Achieve Zero Carbon

    16 September 2015

    At Wrekin Retail Park in Telford, developer Hammerson and occupier Costa invested collaboratively to create a zero carbon Eco Pod, which opened in April 2015. The Eco Pod includes passive ventilation and high performance building materials that naturally manage temperatures, as well as photovoltaic panels that produce clean power for the building, offsetting a proportion of the energy used by the coffee making equipment.

    Topic: Energy/Carbon

    Type: Case Studies

  • Ecological Master Plan in London

    07 September 2015

    As part of The Crown Estate’s ecological master plan for its holdings in Regent Street and St James’s, the organisation is creating a green corridor linking Regent's Park and St James's Park. Plans include green roofs, brown roofs, green walls, pocket habitats, community gardens, street trees, window boxes and planters, as well as bird boxes, bat boxes and bee hives. Through its estate-wide approach, The Crown Estate will create valuable habitats for wildlife and improve the experience for people living, working and visiting the area.

    Topic: Biodiversity

    Type: Case Studies

    Member: The Crown Estate

  • Grosvenor’s Sustainable Retrofit at 119 Ebury Street

    31 July 2015

    119 Ebury Street in Belgravia is the UK’s first listed building to achieve BREEAM Outstanding for its proposed design, the highest possible rating. Grosvenor worked closely with Historic England and Westminster City Council to design a scheme that both protects the historically significant fabric of the residential property and achieves leading sustainability standards.

    Topic: Retrofit & Refurbishment

    Type: Case Studies

    Member: Grosvenor

  • Green Roofs in Central London

    03 July 2015

    When British Land first included green roofs in its Sustainability Brief for Developments in 2004, the firm needed to work closely with its design partners and property teams to design, plant and maintain habitats that really enhanced biodiversity. Since then, British Land has created green roofs on 12 new buildings in central London, with more under design, and has successfully retrofitted them to three existing buildings.

    Topic: Biodiversity

    Type: Case Studies

    Member: British Land