Design for Performance Initiative presents the launch of NABERS UK

26 October 2020
Design for Performance Initiative presents the launch of NABERS UK

Design for Performance Initiative presents the launch of NABERS UK

26 October 2020

Join us for the official launch of NABERS UK - a new energy efficiency rating scheme for in-use performance that will enable commercial office developers and owners to deliver better buildings in operation.

Reducing carbon emissions from commercial buildings over the next decade will be critical if we are to limit the impacts of climate change. For UK commercial buildings, a compliance driven approach to energy efficiency has not secured the levels of improvement needed, leaving commercial buildings with a significant ‘performance gap’ in actual operational energy.

The Better Buildings Partnership has been working with its members and the industry to address this issue for over 10 years, culminating in the Design for Performance (DfP) initiative. Over the same period, NABERS ratings spearheaded a revolution in energy efficiency in the Australian commercial real estate sector.

Working in partnership, the BBP and NABERS, with the additional support of key industry stakeholders, have developed NABERS UK, taking the learnings in Australia and tailoring them for the UK. Providing an industry backed rating tool, based on measurable outcomes and real operational data, will help drive and rate operational energy performance improvements for commercial offices.

Join us to hear about this exciting industry development and how building owners, investors and occupiers can benefit from this new rating scheme.


- Sarah Ratcliffe, CEO, Better Buildings Partnership

- Carlos Flores, Director, NABERS

- More to be announced soon

To book your place register here!