Measurement & Benchmarking

Assessing the environmental performance of portfolios and assets is fundamental to understanding investment risks and opportunities. It enables property owners to identify poorly performing assets or funds and to use this data to identify opportunities for improvement or innovation.
In order to measure and analyse performance data effectively, it is essential to have accurate data gathering tools and robust benchmarks that enable property owners to compare assets, set targets and report on progress. Our measurement and benchmarking workstream covers two of our biggest projects at the BBP, the Real Estate Environmental Benchmark (REEB) and NABERS UK.
Measurement & Benchmarking Workstream
The REEB project is chaired by Quinten Babcock at Transport for London.
Every year, members of the BBP submit data on their managed UK commercial real estate portfolio into the REEB. REEB is one of the only benchmarks based on the performance of buildings ‘in-use’ and is increasingly becoming the industry standard used by investors, fund managers and property owners to compare the performance of commercial properties across the UK.
Find out more about our REEB project here.
The Better Buildings Partnership has been working for over a decade to help our members improve the energy performance of their property portfolios.
Since the launch of NABERS UK in 2020, our work in this area has been pressing ahead. We have been working alongside BRE and NABERS to build the infrastructure for the new scheme. In April 2021 we launched the Design for Performance (DfP) framework, designed to help office developments and major refurbishments to meet their sustainability goals. Find out more about NABERS UK here.