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Our Commitment to Tackling Climate Change
07 October 2015
Caroline Hill, Head of Sustainability at Land Securities, discusses how the company is supporting the UK's transition to a low carbon economy.
Topic: Energy/Carbon
Type: Blogs
Member: Landsec
Sustainability Benchmarking: Does it Tell the Full Story?
06 October 2015
As sustainability benchmarking season is upon us we are pleased to be able to report positive results. We have improved our scores under the Dow Jones Sustainability Index and are one of only 2 property companies making the top 20 in an assessment of the quality of carbon reporting within the FTSE 100.
Topic: Measurement & Reporting
Type: Blogs
Sustainability: An Opportunity for Innovation
24 August 2015
Colette O'Shea, Managing Director at Land Securities, London, discusses how successful sustainability initiatives start with the welcoming of uncertainty
Type: Blogs
Member: Landsec
Fit-Out For The Future
06 August 2015
Jenny Pidgeon, Head of Sustainability at TH Real Estate, talks about the launch of the BBP's latest project, a Sustainable Fit-Out Guide that is designed to equip all the various parties involved in fit-out with the knowledge to ask those right questions and when is the best time to do it.
Topic: Retrofit & Refurbishment
Type: Blogs
Member: Nuveen Real Estate
Green Bonds – Market Transformational or the Emperor's New Clothes?
29 July 2015
Sarah Ratcliffe BBP Programme Director, questions whether green bonds, this new type of debt finance, represents a real opportunity for transforming the sustainability of the real estate sector, or if it is simply a case of the emperor’s new clothes?
Topic: Market Transformation
Type: Blogs
A New Era for Property Management
02 July 2015
Carl Brooks of M J Mapp explains why it is such an exciting time to be a managing agent with the launch of the BBP Managing Agents Partnership.
Topic: Property Management
Type: Blogs
GRESB Debt Survey – Why Lenders should engage now...before it’s too late
26 June 2015
With this years launch of the inaugural GRESB Debt Survey Chris Botten, Programme Manager, argues lenders should be engaging now.....before it's too late.
Topic: Investment
Type: Blogs
Real Estate Debt Finance – the Sleeping Giant of Sustainability?
18 June 2015
Chris Botten, Programme Manager, talks about why the BBP is looking at sustainability within real estate debt finance and questions how long before policy instruments and market drivers shift their focus towards this form of investment.
Topic: Investment
Type: Blogs