LondonMetric Property Plc

LondonMetric is a REIT that owns and manages £6bn of desirable UK real estate delivering reliable, repetitive, and growing income-led returns. As a real estate owner, we look to help occupiers, communities and stakeholders grow, thrive and revitalise in an evolving and complex world.

In March 2024, LondonMetric merged with LXi REIT, an incumbent BPP member, and we are committed to continuing our contribution to the various BBP initiatives on behalf of the combined portfolio.
The portfolio now holds just short of 600 individual property investments across five broad market sectors. Despite significant restrictions to landlord control over the energy procurement and physical fabric of our assets, resulting from the nature of the long FRI leases typical for the portfolio, we are committed to a robust ESG agenda tailored for this type of vehicle with tenant relationships and collaboration absolutely critical to our success.
Key Facts: 

  • LondonMetric prides itself in its fully integrated approach to ESG across its investment and assets management activities, where improving asset sustainability credentials and value enhancement go hand in hand
  • A Paris-aligned Net Zero target for LXi REIT was published in May 2023 and an updated combined portfolio pathway will be released in H1-2025
  • Over the last twelve months, we have significantly increased our Scope 3 emissions data coverage to over 70% of the portfolio and regular dialogue on ESG matters has been established with the majority of our key occupiers

“In a world where climate change signifies such material risks and opportunities for real estate assets, we know we have to act now with energy and at pace to avoid a reactive position down the line. With regulatory landscape and technological advancements evolving so quickly, we are excited to share knowledge and collaborate with the BBP community to contribute to the UK’s common Net Zero goal and collectively ensure the resilience of our investments.”

Barbora Melezinkova, Sustainability & Responsible Investment, LondonMetric

*Please note that the information on this page was supplied by the BBP Member and the BBP assumes no responsibility or liability for any errors or omissions in the content